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Nesor Capsules is the combination of best and well reputed drugs whic are long used for skin disorders and are well useful for Psoriasis -Quick and lasting relief is found in a short duration.
Indication: Psoriasis
Contra-Indication: NIL

1-2 capsules two to three times in a day
Packings: 50 capsules

Action of indvidual Drugs:

Neem Churna(Azodirachta Indica):

Neem possess anti-diabetic,anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. It possess astringent,tonic and anti-periodic properties.

Tamra Kasees(Sulphate and Copper-Iron):

Mild laxative gives smoothness to Gastro-Intestinal tract.

Each Capsules Contains:

Arogyavardhi Ras 100mg.
Neem Panchang Churna (Azodirachta Indica) 80mg.
Tamara Kasees (Sulphate of Copper-Iron) 60mg.
Su. Gandhak (Purified Sulphur) 50mg.
Su.Hartal (Purified Yellow Asernic) 50mg.
Haridrakhand (Curcuma Longa) 50mg.
Triphala Churna

(Terminalia Belerica)
(Terminalia Belerica)
(Embelica Officinalis)

Karanj Beej (Pongania Galbra) 30mg.
Kadu Genitana Kurroo 20mg.